Center for Progressive Reform

Three Pieces of the Regulatory Puzzle

Ending the Regulatory Cycle of Political Interference, Agency Dysfunction and Regulatory Delay

For most of the last quarter century, the federal regulatory system – the web of federal agencies, protective statutes, regulations, and enforcement mechanisms – has been the target of sustained assault. Fueled by industry concerns that regulations to protect health, safety and the environment will cut into profits, the attack has been carried out by industry’s political allies, who have created a sweeping mythology about “intrusive” federal regulations that paralyze commerce in pursuit of unreasonable and unnecessary safeguards.

According to Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholars, the truth is just the opposite. In their view, as reflected in a trio of reports issued in October 2009, the federal regulatory system is hamstrung by political challenges that have weakened regulation, hampered enforcement, and starved agencies of needed resources. As a result, the regulatory system is nowhere near as robust as it needs to be to protect Americans. 

Pointing to a long list of high-profile regulatory failures in recent years, including lead-laden toys, poisonous peanut butter, toxic drywall, fatal pain medication, the Member Scholars observe that

  • The regulatory system is in many ways dysfunctional, with agencies unable to discharge their statutory duties to protect Americans;
  • Many needed regulations are delayed for years, even decades, and at great cost to health, safety, and the environment; and
  • The principal method for evaluating the merits of regulations – cost-benefit analysis – is a failure and should be replaced by a more pragmatic method.

Those topics are the central issues addressed in three CPR White Papers issued as a set in October 2009. The papers do not cover the entire sweep of the problems confronting the nation’s regulatory system, but they address three significant pieces of the larger puzzle. Read more:




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