Center for Progressive Reform

Protecting the Environment

A Planet in Peril

Earth faces unprecedented environmental challenges. Heading the list of threats is climate change, with its promise of drastic climate and environmental harm planet-wide. Unchecked, climate change, also known as global warming, threatens entire species and ecosystems, as well as large population centers, industries and economies. Other environmental priorities include the persistent problems of air and water pollution, toxic wastes, and the protection of natural resources and wildlife.

CPR Member Scholars work to protect the environment through research and scholarship focused on the critical policy choices confronting us today, and by devising the environmental policy approaches of tomorrow.


Protecting Public Lands and Waters

The nation’s public lands and waters have faced persistent challenges in recent years, as efforts to preserve and protect nature have run headlong into political pressure to defend destructive exploitation for profit. Learn about CPR Member Scholars' work to protect public lands, public waters and precious natural resources from destruction and misuse.

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Disasters and Public Policy

The disaster of Hurricane Katrina was made worse by bad policy decisions long before the storm and a miserable response in the immediate aftermath. Similarly, the Massey Mine Disaster and the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico were the product of failed policy. CPR Member Scholars have written extensively about these "unnatural disasters."

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Barack Obama’s Path to Progress in 2015-16

In the last two years of his Administration, President Obama faces a Congress united by party and fundamentally at odds with the agenda he intends to pursue. CPR's Issue Alert offers a path to genuine accomplishment for the President: 13 Essential Regulatory Actions.


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Protecting Wildlife and Ecosystems

Learn about CPR Member Scholars' work on protecting wildlife and ecosystems from sustained assault, including a unique project aimed at protecting "ecosystem services" in the Pacific Northwest.

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Many Challenges, Many Roadblocks

In 2006, the Center for Progressive Reform launched its Next Generation Environmental Initiative to develop ideas and resources for Congress as it takes up the important business of rebuilding the nation’s environmental protection efforts after several years of neglect. Most of the nation’s current environmental laws were crafted before some of today’s principle environmental challenges were even contemplated – global warming and endocrine disruptors, for example. The Next Generation Environmental Initiative will help lawmakers renew existing environmental statutes, and develop tightly focused laws to address more recently recognized environmental problems. Read more about the Next Generation Environmental Initiative.

Follow these links to learn more about CPR Member Scholars’ environmental work:

And read any of a variety of CPR Perspectives on environmental issues, including Jobs and the Environment, Environmental Enforcement, Devolution and The Takings Clause

The Center for Progressive Reform

455 Massachusetts Ave., NW, #150-513
Washington, DC 20001

© Center for Progressive Reform, 2013