Regulatory Policy
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Mercatus and Midnight Regs

CPR Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on a Mercatus Center proposal for giving OIRA even more power over regulatory process. Full text

CPR's Ackerman on the Economics of Climate Change

Matt Freeman, Center for Progressive Reform Media Consultant, blogs on Frank Ackerman's recent article on the economics of climate change. Full text

Midnight Changes to Cost-Benefit Analysis?

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst James Goodwin blogs on a recent proposed guidance by the Office of Management Budget for federal agencies to include consideration of international trade disruption by a proposed federal regulation into calculations of cost for cost-benefit analyses. Full text

Bush Administration Deregulatory Agenda Finishing Strong

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Thomas O. McGarity, joined by CPR Policy Analysts Margaret Clune Giblin and Matthew Shudtz, blog on the Bush Administration's push for last minute rulemaking. Full text

The Wyeth Case

Thomas McGarity of the Center for Progressive Reform and the University of Texas Law School blogs on the Wyeth case before the Supreme Court, on preemption and the FDA. Full text

Globalization: Nightmare on Main Street?

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst James Goodwin blogs on the threats and challenges that globalization poses for the effectiveness of the U.S. regulatory system in protecting the American people and the environment. Full text