Regulatory Policy
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Time Magazine on Cass Sunstein/Cost-Benefit

Center for Progressive Reform Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on Time Magazine's story on cost-benefit analysis and Cass Sunstein. Full text

The Backdoor Discrimination of Cost-Benefit Analysis

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst James Goodwin blogs on how past efforts to "improve" cost-benefit analysis has actually had the effect of tilting regulatory impact analysis so that regulations are less protective of vulnerable populations in the United States, including the elderly, the poor, and racial minorities. Full text

Cass Sunstein's 'Yes, We Can'

Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor blogs on what OIRA, presumably under Cass Sunstein, ought to be. Full text

Revoking EO 13422: An Important First Step Toward Fixing the Regulatory System

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst James Goodwin blogs on a recent Executive Order issued by President Barack Obama that revokes an earlier, controversial Executive Order, Executive Order 13422, which amended the current Executive Order on regulatory review, Executive Order 12866, to extend the centralized review authority of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in controversial ways. Full text

Cass Sunstein and OIRA

Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor blogs on the nomination of Cass Sunstein to be President Obama's "regulatory czar." Full text

Bush on Livestock Grazing on Public Lands

CPR Member Scholar Joe Feller blogs on the Bush Administration's regulatory efforts on livestock grazing on public lands. Full text

The Sunstein Appointment: More Here Than Meets the Eye

Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor blogs on Cass Sunstein's likely nomination to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Full text

More Midnight Regs

CPR Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on midnight regulations. Full text

Regulators Cozying Up to Regulated Industry

Center for Progressive Reform President Rena Steinzor blogs on OSHA's failure to adequately regulate beryllium. Full text

Do Lost Statistical Lives Really Count?

Center for Progressive Reform Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on "statistical lives." Full text