Corporate Accountability and Tort Reform
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Thanks for the Invitation, Chevron, But I Will...Aim Higher

Center for Progressive Reform Media Consultant Matthew Freeman blogs on Chevron's "I Will" ad campaign. Full text

A Better Measure for the Social Costs of Dangerous Products

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on a new paper by CPR Member Scholar Sidney Shapiro (Wake Forest), Ruth Ruttenberg (National Labor College) and Paul Leigh (UC-Davis) titled, "The Social Costs of Dangerous Products: An Empirical Investigation." Full text

Revitalizing Cooperative Federalism by Limiting Federal Preemption of State law

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Robert Glicksman blogs on an Executive Order proposed for President Obama in CPR's "Protecting Public Health and the Environment by the Stroke of a Presidential Pen: Seven Executive Orders for the President's First 100 Days." Full text

Too many seatbelts?

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on a recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regulation that seeks to preempt litigation by accident victims under state tort law. Full text

Preemption: The Courts, the Executive, and Congress

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The Omniscient Agency Myth

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Why Do the Courts Not Respect Congressional Intent?

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More than Just Tort Myths; It is Immunity and Constitutional Myths

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The Golden Arches Coffee Myth

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Getting Started

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