Environmental Protection
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Alien Invaders Approach the Upper Chesapeake

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Margaret Clune Giblin blogs on the recent discovery of zebra mussels in the Maryland portion of the Susquehanna River. Full text

Kids and Rocket Fuel

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen Johnson's decision to not regulate perchlorate under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Full text

Reporting on the Environment Takes a Back Seat

CPR Media Consultant Matthew Freeman blogs on the state of environmental journalism. Full text

The Clean Water Act, Please, and Hold the Fried Fish

CPR Policy Analyst Shana Jones blogs on Entergy Corp. v. EPA, a Supreme Court case involving a challenge by electric utilities to new EPA regulations requiring power plants to protect aquatic life by regulating cooling water intake structures at existing power plants. Billions of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms are drawn into these cooling intake structures and killed yearly. Full text

The Chesapeake Bay Dead Zone Needs a Ref

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Shana Jones blogs about an accountability mechanism for the Chesapeake Bay Program. Full text

High Noon for the Last Surviving Land Disposal Law?

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Margaret Clune Giblin blogs on the 1872 Mining Law and prospects for reform in the 111th Congress and under the Obama Administration. Full text

The BLM Goes Back to the Future

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on the Bureau of Land Management's new rule that paves the way for oil shale development on federal lands in Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. Full text

National Forests, a New Administration, and Climate Change

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Margaret Clune Giblin blogs on the national forests and the challenges the Obama Administration will face in managing them. Full text

Holly Doremus in Slate on the Supreme Court's Ruling on Sonar and Whales

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An Executive Order on Environmental Justice

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Robert R.M. Verchick blogs on a proposed Executive Order on environmental justice, one of seven Executive Orders included in the Center for Progressive Reform's Protecting Public Health and the Environment by the Stroke of a Presidential Pen: Seven Executive Orders for the President's First 100 Days, issued November 11, 2008. Full text