Environmental Protection
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Clean Water Enforcement: Sharp Eyes Reveal Dull Tools

CPR Policy Analyst Yee Huang blogs on the impact of the Rapanos case on Clean Water Act enforcement efforts. Full text

Shining a Light on CFLs

CPR Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on mercury in CFLs. Full text

Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Effort Takes Its Lumps

CPR Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on Chesapeake Bay cleanup efforts. Full text

And Green Jobs Justice for All

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst James Goodwin blogs on the growing calls for inclusion of green jobs in the economic stimulus bill currently being considered by Congress, and recommends that efforts be made to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of those green jobs among all Americans regardless of race, color, or socioeconomic standing--and recommends in particular that the green jobs initiative be used as a launching pad for an affirmative environmental justice agenda. Full text

Pregnancy Don'ts: Drinking, Smoking . . . and Breathing?

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Margaret Clune Giblin blogs on the risks posed by air pollution to pregnant women, developing fetuses and young children. Full text

Tomain on Obama Energy/Environment Team

CPR Member Scholar Joseph Tomain blogs on President-Elect Obama's newly announced energy/environment team. Full text

One Step Forward, One Step Back

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on mountaintop removal mining. In one week in December, the Bank of America announced that it would stop funding companies that use the destructive technique, while at the same time the Environmental Protection Agency announced support of a rule change by the Office of Surface Mining to eliminate stream buffer protections. Full text

Toxic Education

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst James Goodwin blogs on the recent study by USA Today on toxic air pollution outside of U.S. schools, and how this study may actually underestimate the risks to children posed by this pollution, since the particular risk assessments that describe the risks associated with these pollutants may not properly account for the unique vulnerabilities of children. Full text

FDA Pooh-Poohs Mercury-Laden Fish

Center for Progressive Reform Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Catherine O'Neill's Marlerblog report on FDA's defense of mercury-laden fish. Full text

Time for EPA to Ride in the Front Seat

CPR Member Scholar Rena Steinzor blogs on the need to restore the primacy of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on environmental issues within the government, responding to the Administration's making the EPA bow to the Pentagon's refusal to clean up its pollution. Full text