Environmental Protection
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CPR's Nina Mendelson on President Obama and the California Waiver

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Nina Mendelson on the California Clean Air Act waiver. Full text

If Yes Means Yes, EPA Must Act on Perchlorate

CPR Policy Analyst Shana Jones blogs about whether Obama's nominee for EPA, Lisa Jackson, will take decisive action on perchlorate, arguing she should. Full text

Update: Final Endangered Species Rule May Itself Be Endangered

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Margaret Clune Giblin blogs on challenges faced by the Bush Administration's midnight rule on interagency consultation under the Endangered Speces Act. Full text

Bush Regulatory Record: Transferring Polluted Water

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Holly Doremus blogs on the Bush Administration record of exempting water transfers from Clean Water Act requirements. Full text

A Bit More on the Bush Record on Endangered Species

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Dale Goble on the Bush Administration record on endangered species. Full text

Bush Record on Biodiversity and Endangered Species

CPR Member Scholar A. Dan Tarlock blogs on the Bush Administration's record on biodiversity protection and endangered species. Full text

Bush's Blue Legacy Remains Murky

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Margaret Clune Giblin blogs on President Bush's designation of marine monuments, and other marine protection issues on which the Administration's record is less impressive. Full text

The Bush Administration's Last Words on Perchlorate

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on EPA's health advisory on perchlorate, and the Inspector General's report on cumulative risk and perchlorate (supported by a study by ICF Incorporated). Full text

The Economist on Dying Seas

CPR Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on the Economist Magazine's nine-part series on dying oceans. Full text

A Tale of Two Cities

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on a New York Times trend story on home-based coal burning. Full text