Clean Science
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More Accusations of Politics Trumping Science and Law at Interior

Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Holly Doremus blogs on the collision of politics and science at the Bush Department of Interior. Full text

Obama Speaks Up for Science

CPR Media Consultant Matt Freeman blogs on Obama and clean science. Full text

Building a Better Risk Assessment Process

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst James Goodwin blogs on a recent report requested by the Nationanl Academy of Sciences that evaluates and proposes improvements for the risk assessment process employed by regulatory agencies for regulating toxics and pollutants. Full text

REACH-ing for a Better Policy on Toxics

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs in response to Dan Rosenberg's NRDC Switchboard post on the Green Group's proposals to reform U.S. policies on toxic chemicals. Full text

Saving Science: PFOA Update

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on the C8 Science Panel's recently reports on PFOA levels in the blood of Ohio and West Virginia residents who live near a DuPont plant. Full text

Inching Toward Safer Baby Bottles

The Center for Progressive Reform consultant Matthew Freeman blogs on criticism of FDA by its own scientific advisory panel for its declaration that BPA-laden baby bottles are safe. Full text

If Not Science, Then What?

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Another Reason for Optimism

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Getting from Here to There(s)

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The Value of Information

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