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Not just little adults

Center for Progressive Reform Media Consultant Matthew Freeman blogs on BPA and FDA. Full text

Kids and Rocket Fuel

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen Johnson's decision to not regulate perchlorate under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Full text

REACH-ing for a Better Policy on Toxics

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs in response to Dan Rosenberg's NRDC Switchboard post on the Green Group's proposals to reform U.S. policies on toxic chemicals. Full text

Thanks for the Invitation, Chevron, But I Will...Aim Higher

Center for Progressive Reform Media Consultant Matthew Freeman blogs on Chevron's "I Will" ad campaign. Full text

Inching Toward Safer Baby Bottles

The Center for Progressive Reform consultant Matthew Freeman blogs on criticism of FDA by its own scientific advisory panel for its declaration that BPA-laden baby bottles are safe. Full text