January 27, 2010

Congress and Coal Ash: Who are the Constituents?

Sue Sturgis has a nifty post at Facing South checking in on the doings of members of congress who represent states or districts that have cases of groundwater pollution from coal ash sites. Writes Sturgis:

On July 9, 2007, EPA's Office of Solid Waste published a report titled "Coal Combustion Damage Case Assessments" [pdf] documenting 24 cases of proven environmental damage and 43 cases of potential damage caused by current coal ash disposal practices nationwide. As it turns out, many of those damage cases are in the home states of Congress members opposing strict coal ash regulations.

Dozens of members representing areas affected by coal ash pollution have signed letters to the administration opposing strong regulation (one of the letters was sent just last month). Check out the post for the full rundown.

Ben Somberg, Media Manager, Center for Progressive Reform. Bio.

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1 The home states are not the only ones with a stake. Although I live in the Tennessee Valley and have an abundance of relatively clean and cheap hydroelectricity I am still down stream of almost two dozen of the largest fly ash impoundments in America. I keep 20 gallons of potable water on hand at all times for when the poop hits the propeller. There are no mercury free streams left in America nor mercury free fish either. Coal is an environmental atrocity no matter how you look at it or where you live.
-- Danielle Lyles

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