Matt Shudtz on CPRBlog {Bio}
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One Step Forward, One Step Back

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on mountaintop removal mining. In one week in December, the Bank of America announced that it would stop funding companies that use the destructive technique, while at the same time the Environmental Protection Agency announced support of a rule change by the Office of Surface Mining to eliminate stream buffer protections. Full text

Kids and Rocket Fuel

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen Johnson's decision to not regulate perchlorate under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Full text

REACH-ing for a Better Policy on Toxics

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs in response to Dan Rosenberg's NRDC Switchboard post on the Green Group's proposals to reform U.S. policies on toxic chemicals. Full text

The BLM Goes Back to the Future

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on the Bureau of Land Management's new rule that paves the way for oil shale development on federal lands in Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. Full text

A Better Measure for the Social Costs of Dangerous Products

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on a new paper by CPR Member Scholar Sidney Shapiro (Wake Forest), Ruth Ruttenberg (National Labor College) and Paul Leigh (UC-Davis) titled, "The Social Costs of Dangerous Products: An Empirical Investigation." Full text

Saving Science: PFOA Update

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on the C8 Science Panel's recently reports on PFOA levels in the blood of Ohio and West Virginia residents who live near a DuPont plant. Full text

Too many seatbelts?

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Matthew Shudtz blogs on a recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regulation that seeks to preempt litigation by accident victims under state tort law. Full text