Shana Jones on CPRBlog {Bio}
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The Chesapeake Bay Dead Zone Needs a Ref

Center for Progressive Reform policy analyst Shana Jones blogs about an accountability mechanism for the Chesapeake Bay Program. Full text

The Era of Bigfoot Government Is Over

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Shana Campbell Jones blogs on a proposed executive order aimed at getting the federal government to reduce its own carbon footprint, as recommended in CPR's Protecting Public Health and the Environment by the Stroke of a Presidential Pen. Full text

Over Our Heads? Climate Change Threatens A Beleaguered Chesapeake Bay

CPR Policy Analyst Shana Campbell Jones blogs on global warming and the Chesapeake Bay. Full text

Green Jobs Need Protection, Not Preemption

CPR Policy Analyst Shana Jones blogs on provisions in proposed federal climate change legislation that would preempt state and local climate change policies, and cost green jobs. Full text

More Rocket Fuel in Our Water

Center for Progressive Reform Policy Analyst Shana Jones blogs on EPA's refusal to regulate perchlorate, a component of rocket fuel and munitions that pollutes drinking water supplies in various parts of the United States. Full text