Congressional Hearings Today

by Ben Somberg

A few congressional hearings today we're keeping an eye on:

  • Catch Shares. The House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife will discuss "catch shares" as a fisheries management policy. Previously, CPR Member Scholar Rebecca Bratspies discussed the limitations of catch shares, and in December applauded NOAA for moving forward cautiously.
  • Protecting America's Workers Act. The House Education and Labor's Workforce Protection Subcommittee will discuss HR 2067, which would amend the OSH Act to protect more workers and increase penalties for employers who break the law.
  • Federal Rulemaking and the Regulatory Process POSTPONED. No new date announced. . The House Judiciary Commiteee's Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative law will hold a hearing on our favorite topic -- the doings of the White House's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. 


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